A huge thank you to all who supported and sponsored me on Sunday.


The day started well when I was handed a glass of Bloomsbury by Mardi at Ridgeview Winery. Apparently sparkling wine is great Ride Fuel! I needed it – and the bacon butty –  as I joined the medium pace group, which was actually “Quite Quick Group” with Phil Tuck (man or machine?!)  leading us and going like the clappers.
Just over half way and having climbed Leith Hill, we were welcomed at Denbies with cake, flapjack and rehydration tabs. Onwards to Box Hill before descending (mostly) into London and to our finish line at Treasury Wine Estates where we enjoyed a fabulous BBQ and drinks at the Cabbage Patch Pub.
104 km total distance
24 kmh average speed (about 16mph in old money!)
64.1 km maximum speed (downhill)
4 hrs 21m
1,175 m elevation gain
It is fair to say that David Cox was overwhelmed by the support of riders, hosts and organisers who put the event together in order to raise funds for The Benevolent and remember Dan Townsend.
A message from David….
Dear Riders and everyone else involved in yesterday’s event,
My apologies for adding to the flurry of emails that have been circulating this morning but I wanted to reiterate the huge thanks that I tried to articulate yesterday afternoon at the wonderful BBQ and reception provided so generously by TWE at the Cabbage Patch.
You certainly did Dan proud and what a wonderful way to remember him.  The camaraderie, the effort, the organisation, the fantastic hospitality at Ridgeview (fantastic send-off courtesy of the Roberts family), at Denbies (welcome pit-stop and chocolate cake courtesy of Mr Reed and his daughters) and at Twickenham (terrific reception courtesy of the TWE team) all epitomised what is so great and so enjoyable about this trade.  And how lovely to see Mel and Rose Townsend greeting us too.
Thank you so much for taking part and for raising such an incredible amount for far for The Benevolent.  If you add in GiftAid, we are nearly at £13,000 and so with an extra push and reminder to your friends and families, I reckon we could hit £15,000.  Lets try and shoot for that.  Here is the link and so do please circulate
A press release with some photos will go out to the trade press this morning and all the other photos will be on our website later today.
Thanks again to everyone.
With best wishes,
David Cox
Chief Executive
  1. Heather Dougherty 7 years ago

    An AWEsome 😉 achievement Linda!
    The justgiving page is still active, so if any member wanted to sponsor Linda but didn’t see it in time, it’s not too late.

  2. Laura Clay 7 years ago

    I am in AWE of you, Linda. Well done.

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