Keith Grainger and Hazel Tattersall’s new book ‘Wine Production and Quality – 2nd Edition’ has just been published by Wiley. The work is in hardback format, and also available as an e-book.
This comprehensive guide explores the techniques of wine production in the vineyard and winery, and considers their impact upon the taste, style and quality of wine in the bottle. Part 1 of the book provides a structured, yet easily readable, understanding of wine production from vine to bottle. The impact of natural factors, including climate and soil, is considered, together with the decisions made and work undertaken in the vineyard and winery. Part 2 looks at quality in wines – the concepts and techniques of tasting are detailed, along with the challenges in recognising and assessing quality. Also discussed are the steps producers may take, and the limitations they may face, in creating quality wines.
The book will prove valuable to beverage industry professionals, wine trade students, wine merchants, sommeliers, restaurateurs, and wine lovers as well as those entering (or thinking of entering) the highly competitive world of wine production.
For further information see :,subjectCd-LF22.html or contact Keith or Hazel.
Tags: Oenology Tasting Technique Terroir Vinification viticulture Wine Production Wine Quality